Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back Home Safe

I am back home safe! It took 35 hours and 5 flights to get back! But praise God I am here safe!

Love you all. God Bless!

Love Lauren

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Backpacking around Uganda for a week!

So- about 1 week ago my program ended and the everyone in the group flew home except for about four. Two went to Burundi, one Tanzania, and hugh and I stayed to backpack around Uganda for an extra week.

First we went to visit "Come Lets Dance" - a christian NGO that has a kids house with 60-70 kids that are orphaned or were abadoned by their parents. We spent two nights with them- a bunch of american college students who gave up their summer to help. It was awesome. We went to the slums to play with the kids there- and also spoke with women with whom the NGO is giving microfinance loans?? i dont know if i said that right. Anyways- they get a small amount of money to start their own business. It is women empowerment. We then went to the Mulago Hospital. oh my gosh.. there are patients fresh out of surgery- crammed into rooms. 27 patients in one big room. Oozing, bleeding, and miserable. The doctors do not care for the patients unless there is someone to advocate for them- which is what members of the NGO do when they are there. The last place we went a a sewing shop where women are able to sew bags and make necklaces for a living. This money goes to help the kids house as well. Also- the organization has a farm- where they grow all of their crops in order to feed the kids at the house. It is an awesome organization and we had a great time hanging out with them!

After two nights there- we went to the new taxi park and found a taxi (small van with 24 other people in it) to Jinja. Once in Jinja we happened to stumble upon the most beautiful place i have ever seen! Huts/tents looking out over the nile river. We got to stay for 20,000 shillings, which is $10 a night! We hung out at the bar/restaurant the whole night, looking over the beautiful water! What absolutely wonderful sunsets they have here!!

The next morning we went bungee jumping over the nile river! Most aazing experience ever!~
After- we took a taxi to kampala and then a bus to gulu. Long day of travel. Approximately 8 hours!

Now in Gulu- I am with my family and we have been hanging out- climbing trees- havingraces- looking at art- stayin out late under the stars- and just enjoying life! My travel partner Hugh- left today to fly home. So i am on my own for a few days!

Tomorrow i will take a taxi to kampala- spend the night in the cty and then fly out the next day aroun 8 p.m. This has absolutely been the best trip I have ever been on!

I strongly reccommend that everyone go to Africa sometime in thir life! It is more than you could ever hope for. It is amazing! and i cannot wait to come back someday!

For those of you who have looked at my blog this trip- thanks for being intersted! Love you all very much. Will write one last one when i am home safe!

God Bless


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Traveling in East Africa

So much time has passed since i last wrote!

So- spent two weeks in Rwanda- amazing place. So fun- yet surprisingly expensive.
Left Rwanda and went to Nygatare in Northern Rwanda where we met with "hutus" ( not called that anymore in rwnada- it was crazy interesting to hear them talk. They were in a program called TIG which takes perpetrators and puts them to work on community needs like building homes and stuff for their punishment regarding their deeds done during the genocide.

Then we drove to Queens National Park. AMAZING!
I saw elephants - hippos (SOO cool) crocodiles, water buffalo, african waterbacks? , two leopards, and four lions. We went on a boat ride to get close to the water animals, and then two game drives. The coolest thing ever to see these animals in their natural habitat and to be 5 feet away from them!

The last major days of the program were spent at a beautiful lake surrounded by lucious trees. We stayed in huts and spent the days hiking, laying on the dock, and processing our trip. Coolest place ever.

Drove back to kampala and now everyone on my trip is gone! I am here with two others at the moment. I will travel for part of the next week with a friend i met on the trip and the last few days i will be at it alone! how exciting!

Life is wonderful- and surprisingly i really enjoy living out of a suitcase and moving around every few days, there is just something exhilirating about it all.

Hope all is well. Cannot wait to talk to you all when i return. God Bless!

Love lauren

Friday, July 3, 2009

God is Good

It is amazing being here. I love Rwanda. It is the most beautiful place in the world! I can't believe that I have been in Africa over a month! It is just crazy to think about. I am learning so much and growing so much. I really feel like I am becoming a person! it is very exciting. 

God is Good. 

Carpe Diem!

Love Lauren